I thought it might be nice to document my improvement in using my new camera. Hopefully I'll improve....but if not I'll have 52 photos to look at a year from now. One photo a week. Someone or something in my home or yard or life that strikes me ~ for whatever reason.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Look 16

Lilac Trees

I love lilacs and I love having a lilac bush in my yard. But I haven't been very diligent about pruning the lilac bush. It's tall...and rather spindly this year. These lilacs are about 12 feet above the ground...they kind of look like trees this year. So as soon as the blooms are gone I'm going to do a little chopping...and next year I'll take a picture of the whole bush!


  1. My dad used to have huge lilac bushes. I love the look and the smell of them. I have never had any luck getting them to grow in my yard though. I guess they just don't like the soil here.

  2. I love lilacs////. Thanks for stopping by!
